Body of Bolivian student who died in Cuba of a rare illness, was returned without her brain and internal organs
The family of Beatriz Porco Calle, a young Bolivian girl who died from a rare illness while she was studying in Cuba, denounced that the Cuban government removed her brain and several internal organs before shipping the body back to Bolivia.
Local authorities told Bolivian newspaper Los Tiempos that they are investigating the case.
Sofia Porco Calle, a sister of the victim, told Los Tiempos that the Cuban Embassy in Bolivia notified the relatives that the girl had died, and told them that her body was going to be shipped back to Bolivia.
Sofia held a news conference where she said that all the other Bolivian students who were part of her sister's group, returned on the same flight that carried her sister's body back to her native country.
"I felt very bad, all the students were embracing their relatives but I received a coffin with my sister in it," she said.
The woman told the newspaper that several Cuban officials who came on the same flight wanted to take the body of her sister to another city to conduct an autopsy, but the family intervened and didn't allow the body to be moved.
"The autopsy was performed at the Hospital de Clinicas. My little sister's body didn't have any organs, teeth, eyes, it was without her tongue. There were a sponge in place of her brain and more sponges in her stomach," the woman said during the press conference.
The most incredible part of the story is that Cuban officials told the relatives of the dead student, that the deal that they signed with the Bolivian government says that those students who die while in Cuba will be sent back without their organs.
The Real Cuba.
The family of Beatriz Porco Calle, a young Bolivian girl who died from a rare illness while she was studying in Cuba, denounced that the Cuban government removed her brain and several internal organs before shipping the body back to Bolivia.
Local authorities told Bolivian newspaper Los Tiempos that they are investigating the case.
Sofia Porco Calle, a sister of the victim, told Los Tiempos that the Cuban Embassy in Bolivia notified the relatives that the girl had died, and told them that her body was going to be shipped back to Bolivia.
Sofia held a news conference where she said that all the other Bolivian students who were part of her sister's group, returned on the same flight that carried her sister's body back to her native country.
"I felt very bad, all the students were embracing their relatives but I received a coffin with my sister in it," she said.
The woman told the newspaper that several Cuban officials who came on the same flight wanted to take the body of her sister to another city to conduct an autopsy, but the family intervened and didn't allow the body to be moved.
"The autopsy was performed at the Hospital de Clinicas. My little sister's body didn't have any organs, teeth, eyes, it was without her tongue. There were a sponge in place of her brain and more sponges in her stomach," the woman said during the press conference.
The most incredible part of the story is that Cuban officials told the relatives of the dead student, that the deal that they signed with the Bolivian government says that those students who die while in Cuba will be sent back without their organs.
The Real Cuba.
Las declaraciones de Don Hilarión Porco, el padre de la estudiante boliviana fallecida en Cuba y cuyo cadáver fue devuelto a su país sin varios de sus órganos. Transmitida por la Radio FIDES, de Bolivia. (Cortesía Eloy Escagedo, Director de Circuito Sur)
ResponderEliminarVER EN:
Una Comisión de Diputados investigará el caso de una becaria boliviana muerta en Cuba cuyo cadáver fue repatriado sin varios de los órganos vitales, entre ellos el cerebro.
ResponderEliminarEl presidente de la Comisión de Política Social de la Cámara, Guillermo Mendoza, anunció que pedirá a la cancillería local todos los antedecedentes del caso, según la agencia católica de noticias Fides.
El diputado Mendoza dijo se hará "una exhaustiva revisión" de la legislación cubana sobre trasplante de órganos y los compromisos que firman los becarios bolivianos cuando viajan a Cuba.
Debemos dejar claro lo siguiente:
ResponderEliminarEn Cuba, cuando se produce un amuerte no bien aclarada como es esta de una persona joven, se procede a la autopsia. Es cierto que se habla siempre con la familia que esta en el hospital al momento del deceso, un consentimiento bajo presion muchas veces se produce.
La autopsia implica remover todas las visceras del cuerpo, lo que constituye " el bloque" de estas visceras se toman muestras para estudios histologicos mientras son disecadas y se hace un informe ( mascroscopico) . Las visceras NUNCA son regresadas al cuerpo. De manera que no hay nada de extraordinario en esto. Lo que resulta dificil de entender es que falte piezas dentales y ojos ?.
Para esto no encontramos explicacion.
Miguel Ángel Vargas Bastos, estudiante boliviano de Medicina en La Habana (Cuba), falleció el 20 de octubre del 2002. Tras un informe forense realizado en Bolivia luego de la llegada de su cadáver, se determinó la ausencia de 18 órganos de la víctima, cuatro de ellos vitales.
ResponderEliminarEn ese entonces, la madre, Gloria Bastos y la tía, Regina Bastos, solicitaron al gobierno de Cuba la devolución de los órganos vitales extraídos, el protocolo de autopsia, la historia clínica y el informe policial.
Los familiares indicaron que su hijo no firmó ninguna autorización para donar órganos.
Los parientes de Miguel Ángel se enteraron de su deceso el 21 de octubre de ese año, cuando recibieron una llamada de la Embajada de Cuba a través de la cual les informaron que el muchacho había fallecido a causa de un accidente.
No obstante, la mamá aseguró que el joven no sufrió ningún accidente porque, a través de su novia, supo que días antes de morir había sido amenazado de muerte y que tres meses antes había pedido regresar.
La Razon
El embajador cubano en Bolivia, Rafael Dausá, dijo este jueves que la extracción de varios órganos a una becaria boliviana fallecida en Cuba se ajustó a normas internacionales para el traslado de cadáveres.
ResponderEliminar"vil campaña de mentira y manipulación política" contra La Habana los cuestionamientos sobre supuestas anomalías en el cadáver de Beatriz Porco, que estudiaba medicina en Cuba desde 2006.
"Para el traslado al exterior se deben cumplir requisitos de conservación, embalsamamiento y preparación de cadáver".
Porco, de 22 años, murió el 28 de marzo debido a una "enfermedad cerebrovascular hemorrágica e hipertensión endocraneana".
Emb Rafael Dausa.
Embajada de Cuba en Bolivia